5 Ways To Sell Your Ebook So You Double Your Profits

I'm sure you already know that creating digital and information based products is the most profitable way of making money on the internet. First, let's cover the fundamentals of writing an eBook. Also, you will need to use some software solutions for creating eBooks. I chose to self-publish my novels via Amazon (and Smashwords) and sell my nonfiction writing book via both Amazon AND my own website.

Look for eBooks with reader reviews. And you can write a series of books on the subject that you know. But before we get to how to make an ebook, let's take a look at some of the reasons why ebooks are such a great tool for marketers. Once you've completed your ebook and established a target audience, it's time to start working on your marketing plan and sales copy.

Pressbooks is a tool aimed at helping independent authors create professional looking editions of both print and digital books. As recently as the 1990s, self-publishing meant paying to have thousands of physical books printed; a 1999 CNNMoney article pegged the cost at $12,000 to $30,000.

Thanks to electronic readers like Amazon Kindle and Kobo, it's easier than ever to create and sell an ebook. I had my virtual assistant compile a list of every single Facebook group and Twitter handle where free book promotion was encouraged. I've been working on my eBook for just over 2 months now, and I plan on having it edited by multiple people within the next 2 months as well.

Smashwords allows you to publish your eBook to a variety of sources, including the Smashwords store, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Scribd. You can then choose to sell your ebook directly on your blog or through platforms like ebook strategies Gumroad or Podia. Kitaboo is a cloud-based content platform to create-publish-distribute interactive mobile-ready ebooks.

Include a page at the back of your ebook — after About the Author” — that lets readers know where to find you online. You can finish up a blog series with a little more speed by batching it. By focusing on one step of the content creation process at a time, you can get the whole series done more quickly.

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